About the Author

Dear friends,

On this Website you will find articles, reflections, travel photos, literature, economic analysis and also politics. All contributions here will be by the pen and the eye of an experienced journalist whose work ha been read in a number of countries, like Spain, Finland, United States, France, Chile, Russia, Brazil, Argentina and many others.

Do no hesitate, enter and have a look, and leave your comment!

Important Note: Pictures can not be reproduced without the permission of the author.


Odysseuksen sydämellä

Hyviä juttuja, hyviä tarinoita löytyy aina sieltä, missä on ihmisiä, ja missä luonto hengittää.

Tämän olen oppinut eri puolilla maailmaa, kulttuurieroista huolimatta – tai ehkä niiden takia. Olen vieraillut yli 80 maassa ja aina olen ollut ihmeissäni arkipäivän spektaakkelista. Jokaisella matkalla voi oppia vähän paikallisesta kulttuurista ja historiasta. Tässä kiireisessä maailmassa on vielä aikaa elää oma seikkailu.

Jokaisella meistä on Odysseuksen sydän.


The real story, the good reportage is always there, where people live and nature breathes.

This is the principle that I have learned traveling in almost  80 countries. I have always been very amazed by the spectacle of the daily life. I have learned this despite large diversities – or probably just because of them. After all , as the maxim says: “Journalism is literature in a hurry”. On every trip, it is possible to learn about the local culture and history, about its gastronomy and their ways of living. In this high speed world. it is still possible to experience real adventures.

In all of us, then beats the Heart of Odysseus.